A Simple Underwater Photography Guide

Photographing the underwater world offers endless opportunities to capture stunning, eye-catching images. Whether you’re exploring lakes, streams, or oceans, there are so many different angles and subjects that can be used to create beautiful images. This guide advises on everything from buying your first camera for underwater photography and choosing the right equipment to shoot effectively in the water. There are also detailed tips on where you might find the best shooting locations and how to get the best possible shots underwater.

Buying your first camera for underwater photography

Before you start to get your camera equipment ready, it’s important to get your camera ready for underwater photography. If you don’t do this, you’re likely to end up with a camera that isn’t fit for the task and expensive repairs. Here are a few tips to protect your camera before you start shooting underwater.

Which DSLR Should You Buy?

First, you’ll need to decide which DSLR you should buy. This will mainly come down to budget, but there are a few other things you’ll want to think about. First, you’ll need to decide whether to go for a standard camera or a DSLR camera. Standard cameras can be cheaper, but they don’t offer the same image quality as a DSLR camera. Most DSLR cameras will be able to offer you amazing quality and versatility that you may not be able to get with a standard camera. Another thing to think about is megapixels. The higher the megapixels, the better the image quality will be. One thing to note is that the camera will use more megapixels when photographing underwater, so you may need to buy a camera with more megapixels if you’re planning on shooting both above and below the water. You’ll also need to think about lens options. If you’re only planning on shooting above the water, you can choose a camera with a standard lens. If you’re planning on photographing both above and below the water, you’ll need a camera with a dual lens.

Which lens should you buy for underwater photography?

When buying a lens for underwater photography, you’ll need to make sure there is no air between the lens and the water. This means that you can’t use lenses that have water inside of them. If you do, there’s a risk of bubbles ending up in your images, which can be very frustrating. There are a few different types of lenses you can choose when shooting underwater, and you’ll need to decide which one is right for you.

Planning Lenses - These are the cheapest option available and are made completely of glass. They’re not suitable for shooting in water, but they do give you the best possible image quality.

Macro Lenses - Macro lenses are designed to shoot very close to the subject and are great for shooting underwater plants or animals. They’re not suitable for shooting wide-angle scenes, but they do give you excellent image quality.

Super Macro Lenses - Super macro lenses are designed for shooting in water and can be used for both above and below the water. They’re a good choice if you’re on a budget but still want to be able to shoot underwater.

Other essential equipment for underwater photography

There are a few other pieces of equipment that are essential for underwater photography.

Strobe - A strobe is a piece of flash equipment that is designed for underwater use. It’s perfect for capturing images that have a lot of light and can help to create stunning, eye-catching images.

Snoot - A snoot is another piece of flash equipment that is designed to work underwater. It’s a useful tool that can help to create shadows and highlights on specific subjects to give your images more depth.

Lens Filter - A lens filter is designed to protect your lens underwater. You can use them to protect your lenses from scratches and other types of damage that can be caused by sand or water.

Tripod - A tripod is another essential piece of equipment for underwater photography. It can help you to get perfect shots without having to hold the camera still for too long and reduce the risk of getting blurry images.

Tips for shooting effectively in water

When shooting in water, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. Shooting in water can add an interesting element to your images and give them a unique look and feel. When shooting in water, you’ll want to stay close to the surface so you can easily get back up to take another shot if you don’t like the first result. You’ll also want to stay close to the surface so that you don’t start to get blurry images. When shooting near the surface, the water is moving very slowly, which means there is less movement in the image and it looks sharper. You’ll also want to make sure you don’t shoot toward the sun. This may sound obvious, but it’s easy to forget when you’re concentrating on getting the perfect shot.

Discovering the best locations to shoot underwater

When you’re planning where to shoot underwater, there are a few factors you’ll want to consider. The first is water visibility. You’ll want to find an area where the water is clear enough for you to be able to see the subject. If the water is too cloudy, it will be impossible to get a good shot, no matter how skilled you are as a photographer. The second is the types of plants and animals in the area. Certain areas are better for certain types of plants or animals. You may want to research certain areas to find out what’s nearby. The third is water temperature. You’ll also want to check the water temperature and make sure it’s not too hot or too cold and that you’re able to stay comfortable. You may also need to wear a wetsuit or other form of protection if the water is too cold.


There are endless opportunities for underwater photography thanks to the different types of creatures and areas that can be explored below the surface. To get the best possible shots, it’s important to choose the right equipment and follow the tips for shooting effectively in the water. There are many great locations where you can shoot below the surface, so get your camera equipment ready and start planning your next underwater adventure.